Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Pee Standing Up

Soooo...I haven't written in 7 months, and I have to say I've missed it.  Getting all the rants out of my head and on paper is probably good for the soul, if ya know what I mean. 

So whats been going on you might ask?  Alot of everything and alot of nothing at the same time.  Recently, my two year old daughter (actually before she was 2nd bday) decided she COULD and WOULD use the potty.  Now for those of you who kept posted on this adventure, you know how long we've worked, the man hours put in and the blood, sweat, and tears put in.  But YESTERDAY, she decided that, because her brother stood up to pee, she could also do it.  So I'm walking down the hall, in my Monday funk, and notice her standing in front of the big potty (which she is not tall enough to pee into anyway), pants around her ankle, holding her "wee wee".  I yelled "Ollie, what are you doing?"  She politley told me that she had to go "potty" and "Mama, I hold my wee wee."  NOT THE SAME MY DEAR!  UGH!

Then on another note, my baby boy is getting ready to start kindergarten this coming August.  I called to make the appointment for his screening yesterday.  Where has that time gone?  5 years really?  Does that really mean I'M 5 years older?  SURELY NOT!  I'm sad on one hand, and then the other hand...the other hand...as a stay at home mom....NOT SO SAD!  That kid is up my rear all day.  He wants someone to play with him 24/7.  Isn't that why I had a 2nd?  So I wouldn't have to play?  Nonetheless, I divide my time between Wii with Revel and kitchen tea party with Ollie.  I get VERY little done for myself all day.  I guess that's what my 30's are for huh?..lol.

I'm also getting a little taste of my former military life this  coming week because Josh is going out of town for 2 WHOLE WEEKS!  Which 3 years ago would have been nothing to us, but now, will be an eternity.  He hasn't traveled for work in 6 months or so and hasn't been gone for this long probably since the Coast Guard. Now I know what all my military friends are thinking, "suck it up, it could be wwaayyy worse, like my life."  Which I completely understand...but I have to whine about something so here it is.

And last but not least, is it spring yet?  HONESTLY! All this rain is depressing me and I need it to STAY in the 50's.  BUT I have a house full of seeds trying to sprout.  I"m not kidding, every window sill that gets any kind of good light has rows of newspaper pots with dirt in them.  The only success so far has been one Kentucky Pole Bean plant and my potatoes are doing well.  Other than that ...NOTHING!  But I have to keep reminding myself it is still early.  Surely we will have something else to show for all that work.

Well have a good week...I'll try to keep up better.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nakey News

UGH!  IS IT SATURDAY YET?  So my wonderful, supportive, loving husband has been out of town now since Sunday and he will be returning on Saturday.  And although it has been a productive week, it's time! 

Let me go ahead and start my whining...my mom used to call me Sheila Whiner growing up so I deserve a little wine every now and then.  First off....I bought a new car about two weeks ago.  Yes I know, very exciting right.  What is it you might be wondering, oh a VW Jetta which is much smaller than the car I traded.  That would be the first "what was I thinking" moment.  And now for the big one...it's a standard!  I don't know how to drive a standard!  But I'm getting the hang of it and made it all the way across town today (and believe me...that is HUGE!) 

So not only am I stuck with a car that gives me anxiety attacks all week, today, while watching Ollie pull EVERYTHING out from under the kitchen since, I notice that it is all drenched.  So I get under the sink...in the smalled cabinet EVER to go under a sink and see a HUGE GAPING hole where the pipe meets the garbage disposal.  I don't need this today really!  So at this point it is about 5ish and we have swim lessons at 6:30 (yes...that's p.m.....I don't know what I was thinking seeing as our bedtime is at 8 and we don't get out until 7:45)  So I rush everyone around to get into the car....O THE CAR.  And head to the hardware store before lessons.  Now lets talk about where the hardware store is.  It's on 16th St.  Which I have been avoiding now for two whole weeks since the cars inception BECAUSE 16th St. has the largest hills known to mankind with TONS of stop lights.  So as you can imagine I have a hard enough time getting it into first gear without rolling back and hitting someone while doing it.  But we made it safe and sound.  I'm like the little engine that could, " I think I can, I think I can"

And for my last glass of "whine" for the night.  CHOO CHOO! The potty train!  Ollie has now completely taken to ignoring me.  She doesn't even recognize that I"m talking to her when I ask if she has to go.  And if by the off chance we do catch it (which is only because I made her sit there long enough to go) she gets up and pees on the floor two seconds later.  And I know what you're all thinking "She's too young!  Give her time."  The thing is, I KNOW she is fully capable of doing this, but because it's not on Ollie time, we are all sitting around waiting for her.  When I potty trained Revel, he would do anything to please me.  If I was excited, he was excited.  Ollie could care less.  She just wants to do what she wants to do.  But we're not getting off this Train of the Potty. We are diligent if nothing else and we'll get there one way or another.  I'm starting to think between her and the dogs we should buy stock in Lysol. 

And there...I'm done.  Thanks for listening and come again soon.  I hope you all have a WONDERFUL end of the week and will keep you posted on any progress or unprogress (word?) made...lol.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

To Three Or Not To Three

So now we're moved...and "settled",more settled than I've probably been in the past 7 years at least, and so now the big question...ANOTHER BABY?  Ollie, my youngest is 1.5 now and I would want to get this all said and done by the time she's 2ish.  So that gives me approximently 6 months to decide.  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but they are exhausting.  Revel's birthday is late so he has to wait another year before kindergarten, which in the great state of Indiana, is only half a day anyway (BOO!).  So there's that, do I want to stay home with 3?  Don't get me wrong, those of you who do it are my HEROES!  But I'm not sure it's for me.

Plus...does having three mean you have to have four?  Because we don't need any middle-child syndrome in this house..Ollie is mean enough..lol.  And I definitely don't think I can do four, three maybe, but not four. 

And if it's a girl, I think I'd pull my hair out.  I know each child is different, but O is truly a hand full and I don't think I can do it again.  I only want boys...HONEST!  So that means I'd have to get someone at the hospital to trade me if I had a girl (some people don't feel as strongly as I do about that subject...IMAGINE).  Girls are more fun to dress but that's where it ends for me. 

But nonetheless the decision needs to made soon.  Do I want to rip my body apart one lst time, go through terrible anxiety about my appearance, which I know is insanely vein but it's how my brain works, and go through another year and a half of babydom?  I have to say I'm leaning on the no side, but I have those days where a friend will visit with a "good" baby and I think "I coud do this again", but you don't get to send them home when they're yours.
Plus..PLUS...I just bought a new care...a small sedan, smaller than what I had before (I just can't do a minivan).  AND we bought a three bedroom house, is that a sign?  Maybe we are at our limit with two and it is just time to open another chapter in the Baker Book of Tricks and enjoy our blessings.  I mean if you think about it, financially we can provide better, not more, just better.  But money isn't everything, or really anything, and I definitely know that.  That is not weighing in this decision at all, but it's still there.  I'm feeling the pressure of the decision now.  Guess I'll find the answer.  Will the Nakey Bakeys become a fivesome?

Friday, July 16, 2010

The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

First off let me introduce myself. My name is Sheila and I'm all of 28 years old (if you ask me today) Otherwise on any other day I'm 21 and not a minute older. I have two children (technically 3), my husband being my first born. I have a son, Revel 4, and a daughter, Ollie 1.5. Believe me, I love this family with all my heart...but like any stay-at-home-mom. My day has its ups and downs. So here I am, venting to you, and maybe we can learn something from each other.

This week has been especially trying. O is potty training this week and I am bachin' it seeing as my hubby has been gone all week. Ollie is my strong willed child. She does nothing you ask and is instinctively MEAN. She only does things on her own time and just when you think she's not paying attention or CAN'T do something, she turns around and does exactly that. All week we have had a few successes with way more failures but I'm diligent if nothing else. Today I think I found the key to Ollie's potty training heart.....PRETTY PANTIES! This morning while we were getting ready for our day, which included several errands, swim lessons, and groceries, I told her she had to go potty and she could wear her "pretty panties" and she turned around and sat up there and peed right away. 3 HOURS WITH NO ACCIDENTS! I KNOW! She wore the panties through all of our errands. But don't worry...as soon as we got home, she peed in them and two more times on the floor before success was achieved again. One step forward, two steps back.

We also recently moved to what is supposed to be a "big" town in the midwest. This having been our fourth zip code in 12 months I am excited to get settled and out of boxes. I have things I forgot I owned and many more things I don't know why I own at all....(life sized Diego doll?) But I LOVE my new house, which is our first purchased home, and we're trying not to show our neighbors our "true" colors (i.e. Revel peeing in the front yard which he has to pull his pants down to his ankles to do...I thought boys could just whip it out) anyway...until we get to know them a little better at least. We did have a short playdate today with a neighbor and they played good. Hope we find good friends soon. My sanity needs some mommy time!