Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Girls Pee Standing Up

Soooo...I haven't written in 7 months, and I have to say I've missed it.  Getting all the rants out of my head and on paper is probably good for the soul, if ya know what I mean. 

So whats been going on you might ask?  Alot of everything and alot of nothing at the same time.  Recently, my two year old daughter (actually before she was 2nd bday) decided she COULD and WOULD use the potty.  Now for those of you who kept posted on this adventure, you know how long we've worked, the man hours put in and the blood, sweat, and tears put in.  But YESTERDAY, she decided that, because her brother stood up to pee, she could also do it.  So I'm walking down the hall, in my Monday funk, and notice her standing in front of the big potty (which she is not tall enough to pee into anyway), pants around her ankle, holding her "wee wee".  I yelled "Ollie, what are you doing?"  She politley told me that she had to go "potty" and "Mama, I hold my wee wee."  NOT THE SAME MY DEAR!  UGH!

Then on another note, my baby boy is getting ready to start kindergarten this coming August.  I called to make the appointment for his screening yesterday.  Where has that time gone?  5 years really?  Does that really mean I'M 5 years older?  SURELY NOT!  I'm sad on one hand, and then the other hand...the other hand...as a stay at home mom....NOT SO SAD!  That kid is up my rear all day.  He wants someone to play with him 24/7.  Isn't that why I had a 2nd?  So I wouldn't have to play?  Nonetheless, I divide my time between Wii with Revel and kitchen tea party with Ollie.  I get VERY little done for myself all day.  I guess that's what my 30's are for huh?..lol.

I'm also getting a little taste of my former military life this  coming week because Josh is going out of town for 2 WHOLE WEEKS!  Which 3 years ago would have been nothing to us, but now, will be an eternity.  He hasn't traveled for work in 6 months or so and hasn't been gone for this long probably since the Coast Guard. Now I know what all my military friends are thinking, "suck it up, it could be wwaayyy worse, like my life."  Which I completely understand...but I have to whine about something so here it is.

And last but not least, is it spring yet?  HONESTLY! All this rain is depressing me and I need it to STAY in the 50's.  BUT I have a house full of seeds trying to sprout.  I"m not kidding, every window sill that gets any kind of good light has rows of newspaper pots with dirt in them.  The only success so far has been one Kentucky Pole Bean plant and my potatoes are doing well.  Other than that ...NOTHING!  But I have to keep reminding myself it is still early.  Surely we will have something else to show for all that work.

Well have a good week...I'll try to keep up better.

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