Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nakey News

UGH!  IS IT SATURDAY YET?  So my wonderful, supportive, loving husband has been out of town now since Sunday and he will be returning on Saturday.  And although it has been a productive week, it's time! 

Let me go ahead and start my mom used to call me Sheila Whiner growing up so I deserve a little wine every now and then.  First off....I bought a new car about two weeks ago.  Yes I know, very exciting right.  What is it you might be wondering, oh a VW Jetta which is much smaller than the car I traded.  That would be the first "what was I thinking" moment.  And now for the big's a standard!  I don't know how to drive a standard!  But I'm getting the hang of it and made it all the way across town today (and believe me...that is HUGE!) 

So not only am I stuck with a car that gives me anxiety attacks all week, today, while watching Ollie pull EVERYTHING out from under the kitchen since, I notice that it is all drenched.  So I get under the the smalled cabinet EVER to go under a sink and see a HUGE GAPING hole where the pipe meets the garbage disposal.  I don't need this today really!  So at this point it is about 5ish and we have swim lessons at 6:30 (yes...that's p.m.....I don't know what I was thinking seeing as our bedtime is at 8 and we don't get out until 7:45)  So I rush everyone around to get into the car....O THE CAR.  And head to the hardware store before lessons.  Now lets talk about where the hardware store is.  It's on 16th St.  Which I have been avoiding now for two whole weeks since the cars inception BECAUSE 16th St. has the largest hills known to mankind with TONS of stop lights.  So as you can imagine I have a hard enough time getting it into first gear without rolling back and hitting someone while doing it.  But we made it safe and sound.  I'm like the little engine that could, " I think I can, I think I can"

And for my last glass of "whine" for the night.  CHOO CHOO! The potty train!  Ollie has now completely taken to ignoring me.  She doesn't even recognize that I"m talking to her when I ask if she has to go.  And if by the off chance we do catch it (which is only because I made her sit there long enough to go) she gets up and pees on the floor two seconds later.  And I know what you're all thinking "She's too young!  Give her time."  The thing is, I KNOW she is fully capable of doing this, but because it's not on Ollie time, we are all sitting around waiting for her.  When I potty trained Revel, he would do anything to please me.  If I was excited, he was excited.  Ollie could care less.  She just wants to do what she wants to do.  But we're not getting off this Train of the Potty. We are diligent if nothing else and we'll get there one way or another.  I'm starting to think between her and the dogs we should buy stock in Lysol. 

And there...I'm done.  Thanks for listening and come again soon.  I hope you all have a WONDERFUL end of the week and will keep you posted on any progress or unprogress (word?)

1 comment:

  1. O the life of sheila!!! Its all the life of a single mom. And yes she completely ignores you but she will get the hang of it son. Its kinda like Sheila time. I think Ollie comes ny it honest. Just be patient with her. As for finally tackling 16th street CONGRATS!!!! Good luck and enjoy these times. See you tuesday.
