Friday, July 16, 2010

The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives

First off let me introduce myself. My name is Sheila and I'm all of 28 years old (if you ask me today) Otherwise on any other day I'm 21 and not a minute older. I have two children (technically 3), my husband being my first born. I have a son, Revel 4, and a daughter, Ollie 1.5. Believe me, I love this family with all my heart...but like any stay-at-home-mom. My day has its ups and downs. So here I am, venting to you, and maybe we can learn something from each other.

This week has been especially trying. O is potty training this week and I am bachin' it seeing as my hubby has been gone all week. Ollie is my strong willed child. She does nothing you ask and is instinctively MEAN. She only does things on her own time and just when you think she's not paying attention or CAN'T do something, she turns around and does exactly that. All week we have had a few successes with way more failures but I'm diligent if nothing else. Today I think I found the key to Ollie's potty training heart.....PRETTY PANTIES! This morning while we were getting ready for our day, which included several errands, swim lessons, and groceries, I told her she had to go potty and she could wear her "pretty panties" and she turned around and sat up there and peed right away. 3 HOURS WITH NO ACCIDENTS! I KNOW! She wore the panties through all of our errands. But don't soon as we got home, she peed in them and two more times on the floor before success was achieved again. One step forward, two steps back.

We also recently moved to what is supposed to be a "big" town in the midwest. This having been our fourth zip code in 12 months I am excited to get settled and out of boxes. I have things I forgot I owned and many more things I don't know why I own at all....(life sized Diego doll?) But I LOVE my new house, which is our first purchased home, and we're trying not to show our neighbors our "true" colors (i.e. Revel peeing in the front yard which he has to pull his pants down to his ankles to do...I thought boys could just whip it out) anyway...until we get to know them a little better at least. We did have a short playdate today with a neighbor and they played good. Hope we find good friends soon. My sanity needs some mommy time!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Writing and sharing is my outlet. I am so thrilled to see you doing this! Love your way with words!! Goodluck with the potty training! And just so you know you are not alone, Avery is our strong willed stubborn do it in her own time child. Currently we are battling her refusal to clean up her messes.

  2. Hi! I'm Holly from over at And I have a personal blog I keep And let me just say, blogging is therapeutic!
    Hang in there with the potty training! Looking forward to "getting to know you" and reading more about your family through the blogging world! Your children are absolutely precious. And you deserve a gold star for moving that many times. Are y'all in the witness protection program?? :) I thought we had moved a lot (7 times, maybe 8 in nine years of marriage) but dang, Girl, you win that one!! Our moves were mostly across town, so I really can't complain. Well, yes I can because it's one of the things I do best! Have a great weekend!
