Sunday, July 18, 2010

To Three Or Not To Three

So now we're moved...and "settled",more settled than I've probably been in the past 7 years at least, and so now the big question...ANOTHER BABY?  Ollie, my youngest is 1.5 now and I would want to get this all said and done by the time she's 2ish.  So that gives me approximently 6 months to decide.  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but they are exhausting.  Revel's birthday is late so he has to wait another year before kindergarten, which in the great state of Indiana, is only half a day anyway (BOO!).  So there's that, do I want to stay home with 3?  Don't get me wrong, those of you who do it are my HEROES!  But I'm not sure it's for me.

Plus...does having three mean you have to have four?  Because we don't need any middle-child syndrome in this house..Ollie is mean  And I definitely don't think I can do four, three maybe, but not four. 

And if it's a girl, I think I'd pull my hair out.  I know each child is different, but O is truly a hand full and I don't think I can do it again.  I only want boys...HONEST!  So that means I'd have to get someone at the hospital to trade me if I had a girl (some people don't feel as strongly as I do about that subject...IMAGINE).  Girls are more fun to dress but that's where it ends for me. 

But nonetheless the decision needs to made soon.  Do I want to rip my body apart one lst time, go through terrible anxiety about my appearance, which I know is insanely vein but it's how my brain works, and go through another year and a half of babydom?  I have to say I'm leaning on the no side, but I have those days where a friend will visit with a "good" baby and I think "I coud do this again", but you don't get to send them home when they're yours.
Plus..PLUS...I just bought a new care...a small sedan, smaller than what I had before (I just can't do a minivan).  AND we bought a three bedroom house, is that a sign?  Maybe we are at our limit with two and it is just time to open another chapter in the Baker Book of Tricks and enjoy our blessings.  I mean if you think about it, financially we can provide better, not more, just better.  But money isn't everything, or really anything, and I definitely know that.  That is not weighing in this decision at all, but it's still there.  I'm feeling the pressure of the decision now.  Guess I'll find the answer.  Will the Nakey Bakeys become a fivesome?

1 comment:

  1. I have this conversation with myself EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! The first 2 were a given...feels like such a big decision to go for 3!
